Can you help? Sellwood’s Scout Group is looking for a trailer

In 2021 the 59th Johnson Creek Scout Group became the newest Group of the Baden-Powell Scouting Association, bringing the same values of Robert Baden-Powell’s Boy Scouting to a wider audience of boys AND girls, and the Sellwood Community House was the perfect place for a new Group.  With a change from BPS to Outdoor Service Guides in 2022, Group 59 has prospered and grown until it serves more than 50 Sellwood area families today… and it’s still growing.

Their success is why they’re looking for help.  Like any Scout Group, particularly here in the gorgeous Northwest, they try to schedule as many camping trips as possible for as many people as possible.  That means tents, equipment, food, and miscellaneous supplies for all the Scouts and their families.   Alan and Erin Fryer, leaders of the Group, have juggled the supplies between family vehicles since the Group started.  That’s becoming a bigger and bigger task, so recently they started looking for a single trailer to consolidate everything. 

“We don’t need anything fancy at all”, said Alan.  “We aren’t looking for anything that can or will carry people.  We just need something strong and safe that we can use for storage and transport.”  He said new or used is fine, and they’re willing to put some work into it if it isn’t in perfect condition. 

Alan started his search by calling Tom Dwyer to see if we knew someone willing to part with an under-used trailer.  While we don’t, but we thought in all of our community-minded clients there’d be someone who ideally fit their bill.  So we’re asking you now… do you have a trailer you’d be willing to donate or sell to our Sellwood Scout group?

Alan said they don’t have a set budget but would like to get something for around $3000 or less (or ideally, donated).  They’re just starting the search so there’s no crowdfunding campaign going on yet, but if they start one we’ll tell you all about it.

If you have a trailer you don’t really use, if this article sounds like it’s talking to you in particular, then Alan and Erin and the 59th Johnson Creek Scout Group would love to hear from you.  You can reach them all by email to, or call us at the Dwyer Shop (503-230-2300 and ask for Charles, or email us at and we’ll put you in touch. 

So, do YOU have a trailer you can part with?  PLEASE CALL, and THANK YOU!

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