The Link Between Gut Bacteria and Mental Health
By Lindsay Christensen
The human brain is a complex organ composed of billions of neurons continuously firing electrical signals that control what we do, think, and feel. However, many people do not realize that the human body also has a “second brain!” This “second brain,” located in the gut, is often overlooked but equally important in regulating our behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. In fact, research indicates that factors that disrupt gut health affect the brain and may contribute to mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. The profound discovery of the gut-brain connection lends an all new meaning to the expression “a gut feeling!” Listening to and taking care of our guts may represent a new frontier in the prevention and treatment of mental health disorders!
Digging Deeper…
A gut feeling for mental health, Flanders Institute for Biotechnology in ScienceDaily, Feb 2019
Social stress leads to changes in gut bacteria, Georgia State University in ScienceDaily, Mar 2019