As we write this, the impeachment trial of Donald Trump is beginning in the Senate. It’s a political activity with grandstanding, hypocrisy, and political theater abounding. No matter how hard they try, no Senator will be able to avoid SOME partisan taint, real or imagined, to their words or acts. But impeachment isn’t only that, or at least it doesn’t have to be… it can be more. People of integrity from opposite sides of a political divide can come together to find truth, if they choose. But this report from Rudy Giuliani shows they aren’t.

The material we’re directing you to is a 3-hour program on One America Network (OAN). It is Rudy Giuliani’s ‘report back’ from Ukraine, prepared under his direction, and designed to imitate a typical investigative news report. It is not.
We have no idea why Rudy’s Report hasn’t made bigger waves since it was dropped on Dec 16, but it really should have, and for so many reasons. PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THIS MATERIAL! Specific allegations of specific wrongdoing, backed up by testimony and evidence, have been lodged against the President of the United States. This is his response, and basic fairness demands that it be heard. Of course, basic fairness also demands that it be evaluated objectively, and acted upon accordingly. Whether you’re a Trump supporter or detractor, please take the time to actually listen to our president… and act accordingly.
Digging Deeper…
‘Stunning piece of propaganda’: Journalists blast One America News series, Michael Calderone on Politico, Dec 2019
Giuliani Tries To Promote His OANN Show On Fox; Pirro Laughs Nervously, Frances Langum on Crooks&Liars, Jan 2020
Fact-checking Rudy Giuliani’s newest allegations from his Ukraine trip, Mary Ilyushina and Nathan Hodge on CNN, Dec 7, 2019
Giuliani continues bid to dig dirt on Trump political rivals in Kiev, Mary Ilyushina and Nathan Hodge on CNN, Dec 6, 2019
Giuliani draws attention with latest trip to Ukraine, Brett Samuels on The Hill, Dec 6, 2019
Rudy Giuliani Made A Surprise Visit To Kyiv And Nobody There Is Happy About It, Christopher Miller on BuzzFeed, Dec 5, 2019
Rudy Giuliani, Under Investigation For Ties To Ukraine, Takes A Trip To Ukraine, Eric Lutz in Vanity Fair, Dec 4, 2019
New York Times: Giuliani traveled to Hungary and Ukraine to meet with ex-prosecutors in effort to defend Trump, Devan Cole on CNN, Dec 4, 2019
Rudy Giuliani Plans Ukraine Trip to Push for Inquiries That Could Help Trump, Kenneth Vogel in New York Times, May 2019