One of our clients, Rodrigue D., has been telling us about EMF pollution for years. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s pollution from ElectroMagnetic Fields, the invisible fields produced by all electrical devices. Now, human beings have always had EM fields around. The sun is an EM field producer, and we live in a constant bath of EM background radiation from it and other EM sources throughout the universe. We evolved to live in an EM-flooded world and no one is quite sure what a world without EM radiation would look like. But… the intensity of the EM fields we’re experiencing now is something new and novel in human history. Yes, the sun is a gigantic EM source but it’s 90 million miles away; the EM field you experience from your cellphone is thousands of times stronger than the one you feel from the sun. And that goes for the microwave, and the lightbulbs, and the electric wire, and everything else in our modern lives that involves electricity.
EM pollution is garnering more concern in Europe than America, in part because while everyone agrees that EM fields are more consistent and persistent than they’ve ever been, no one has been quite sure how they might act to our detriment. Unfortunately, Rodrigue was recently able to give us an answer to that. He directed us to a paper by Dr. Martin Pall, whose paper “Electromagnetic fields act via activation of voltage-gated calcium channels to produce beneficial or adverse effects” in the Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine describes the result of nitric oxide-cGMP-protein kinase G pathway stimulation and its effect on… well, if you’re like us it would be pointless to read the paper, but the takeaway is that they’ve located a mechanism by which EMF pollution could act.
Is EMF pollution something to worry about? Evidence seems to be growing that it’s something to take a look at. Here are three links if you want to dig deeper. First, for the medical-minded readers out there Dr. Pall’s paper is linked here, here is a link to an overview of the problem, and if you’re concerned about EMF in your home or workplace you can contact Rodrigue through his company Healthy Spaces Now.