Every time you pick up your vehicle from our shop you’ll find a pre-stamped postcard in your front seat. We encourage you to return these cards because we read every one and use your comments to improve our service to the rest of our clients. We have collected over 14,500 cards to date, but the numbers for two particular questions caught our eye this month… we had ratings of 98.38% “On Schedule” and 98.73% “On Estimate”! And the reason these numbers caught our eye? Because our numbers on all the other questions, from “Satisfied With Your Service Experience” to “Understood The Recommended Repairs” were over 99%! Thank you all so very much, and we’re proud of all our team members who work so hard to set this high bar!
To celebrate a little we thought we’d pass on our advice, and the advice of several other sources, about what to look for in an accurate estimates and how to ensure your repairs are delivered at the price you were promised. (And remember… we can do it over 98% of the time!)

Click here to see the complete results from 14,754 comment cards ratings, along with some of the best comments we’ve received
“How Much Is THAT Gonna Cost?” TomDwyer.com, July 2010
Our best advice on virtually every aspect of auto repair estimates. Describes all the types of estimates, how confident you can be in each type, how to take advantage of overlapping labor, and tells exactly how we can be so accurate with our estimates.
Consumer Reports Repair Shop Satisfaction Survey Consumer Reports, June 2008
We’re proud of our satisfaction numbers, but should we be? Here’s how the rest of the auto repair industry rates, both independents and dealers. (Hint: We’re on solid ground.)
“Know How to Recognize an Accurate Auto Repair Estimate” MyCheckEngineLight.net, July 2014
A quick look at some of the different ways you can get estimates, and the upsides and downsides of each.
“11 Tips For An Accurate Vehicle Repair Estimate” MyTwoDollars.com 2010
If you like lists, this is a pretty good one to avoid the most common pitfalls