Longtime Client Passes a Major Milestone
Which gives us a chance to explain our 15-years-old-and-newer policy
It was late on a busy Friday afternoon when Client Paul G. asked us to look at his car… RIGHT THEN. Paul’s 2001 Subaru was about to hit 333,333 miles; in fact, it was so close that he was actually driving around the neighborhood so that it would be EXACTLY 333,333 when it hit our lot! Paul wanted to share the good news with the Mechanic that’s kept his baby going for so long. He bought the car new in September of 2001, and somewhat ominously watched the Twin Towers fall as he took delivery. The Subie overcame its dark origins to be a dependable workhorse until 248,000 miles, when serious mechanical problems forced the question… repair or replace? A very expensive engine replacement was still cheaper than a new vehicle, so 85,333 miles later it looks like Paul made the right call. He thinks our care and attention helped bring him this far, and he says he’ll be back in another 111,111 miles when he hits 444,444!
Though few of our clients come in when their vehicles hit high-mileage milestones, Paul’s not the only one. In 2015, Client Anne W. stopped by when she hit 333333 with her Toyota truck.
And for anyone curious, this is a perfect illustration of our “15 years old and newer” policy. We enforce the 15-year limit for NEW CLIENTS, because we don’t want to try to build a service relationship around a vehicle that isn’t worth saving (as older vehicles too-often are). BUT, once we’ve seen the vehicle, you can count on us to care for it as long as you’ll give us the privilege… just like Paul and Anne!