While it’s getting harder to tell truth from fiction in today’s world, we still have an obligation to try. Even in situations where we lack complete evidence, or lack the personal understanding of an issue to make any sensible determination, we still have an obligation to try. But frequently people don’t spend their time learning about an issue before ‘debunking’ it; they save time by plowing right in. That can be a sad situation from so many perspectives, yet Humorousness is pleased to point out that it can be funny, too.
Witness the Flat Earth movement, a growing group of people who believe, against all evidence, science, experience, and reality, that the Earth is flat and the facts are being covered up by a gigantic conspiratorial cabal. This month give you a glimpse into the flat world of the Flat Earthers, a laugh at what they’re thinking, and a reminder that it can be serious after all.
Here’s some of our favorite Flat Earth memes…
…and sources for more…
The Internet Can’t Stop Trolling Flat-Earthers With 38 Hilarious Memes, Bored Panda
The Best Flat Earth Memes To School The Truthers Out There, Daily Dot
23 Flat Earth Memes That Dismantle Scientific Argument, CHEEZburger
Are You Globers Curvy Or Flat? Check Out The Top 10 Best Flat Earth Memes. DCW50
…including this video “voted the Best Flat Earth Proof 2017”
Here’s an article from our Popcorn Shorts on the first Flat Earth convention…
There’s been no new discovery prompting a re-examination of Copernicanism, but people with a sense of humor discovered flat-earth crankology and started making tongue-in-cheek arguments in support. These arguments dripped through the InterTubes to create a tidal wave of uninformed experts that crested in Birmingham, England, at the first-ever Flat Earth convention. If you don’t believe the Earth is flat then join us on a walk through Birmingham… it’s only the first of many things you won’t believe.
- Inside Britain’s first ever Flat Earth convention where conspiracy theorists discuss ‘proof’ our planet is shaped like a disc and that ‘gravity doesn’t exist’
- I watched an entire Flat Earth convention for my research- here’s what I learned
- What it’s like to attend a Flat-Earth convention
- Conspiracy theorist: You can’t fall off flat Earth edge due to ‘Pac-Man effect’
- Looking for Life on a Flat Earth: What a burgeoning movement says about science, solace, and how a theory becomes truth.
…and a reminder why none of this is quite as funny as it first appears.
If A Scientific Conspiracy Theory Is Funny, That Doesn’t Mean It’s A Joke, by Kaitlyn Tiffany on The Verge, Oct 2017
Ph.D. Student’s Thesis Presents “Scientific Evidence” The Earth Is Flat, Sci-Tech Universe
More And More Americans Are Starting To Believe Earth Is Flat, Sci-Tech Universe