Have you thought about the Big One lately?

Your life can change in the time it takes to read this headline

The Cascadia Subduction zone runs from Canada to California about 100 miles inland from the Pacific Coast… basically right through Portland.  It’s had 41 quakes in the last 10,000 years, the last being a 9.0 magnitude quake in 1700.  We’re due again.  This impending Big One makes the news every once in a while, people think about preparedness for a while, and then everyone fades back into their daily lives.  But the pressure under our feet continues to grow.  RestOfNewsletterSince we haven’t seen Big One Coverage in a while we thought we’d fill the gap ourselves. You didn’t plan on seeing this article and the Big One will come just as unexpectedly, but it WILL hit… what will you do?  If you don’t have a clear, concise answer for yourself and your family, then please spend a few minutes checking out these resources… and making a plan.



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