Mind-Blowing Medical Technologies
Technology is exploding all around us, but few arenas are as bulging with technological innovation as Health Care. New science leads to new technologies, fueled by both the money in health research and our desire to live longer, healthier lives. If you’re looking for Star Trek in today’s world, look no farther than these discoveries…
Prosthetic Memory System Successful In Humans
Scientists have demonstrated the successful implementation of a prosthetic system that uses a person’s own memory patterns to facilitate the brain’s ability to encode and recall memory.
Beating Heart From A Spinach Leaf
Researchers bought spinach from a local market, removed all the plant cells to expose a cellulose frame, then seeded the frame with heart muscle cells. 5 days later, the ‘heart’ started beating…
3-DIY: Printing Your Own Bioprinter
Researchers have developed a low-cost 3-D bioprinter by modifying a standard desktop 3-D printer, and they have released the breakthrough designs as open source so that anyone can build their own system.
New Blood Test For Alzheimer’s Disease
New test detects disease 30 years before symptoms, with 90% accuracy
Clinical Trial Shows Breakthrough On Reversing Blindness Caused By Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration begins leading to blindness as a support layer, behind the macula in our eyes, deteriorates. Doctors used stem cells to grow back a new retinal pigment epithelium and its support system, and then surgically implanted them in two patients.
New Glue Seals Wounds In Just 60 Seconds
New ‘squirtable’ elastic glue seals wounds in first aid and surgery
Alzheimer’s Disease Reversed In Mouse Model
Researchers have found that gradually depleting an enzyme called BACE1 completely reverses the formation of amyloid plaques in the brains of mice with Alzheimer’s disease, thereby improving the animals’ cognitive function. The study raises hopes that drugs targeting this enzyme will be able to successfully treat Alzheimer’s disease in humans.
What Do Cochlear Implants And Hearing Aids Sound Like?
Cochlear implants are the cutting-edge tech for hearing loss. You probably know someone with one, or at least have seen one… but what do they sound like?
Top 5 Advances in Medical Technology (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
Covers cancer nanotherapy, brain-machine interfaces, new stethoscope designs, wireless pulse oximetry, and genome editing
20 Medical Technology Advances: Medicine in the Future – Part I, Part II
From augmented reality surgery and all-new diseases to medical tricorders and optogenetics, MedicalFuturist has the skinny on… well, the Medical Future.
The Most Exciting Medical Technologies of 2017
These technologies aren’t ready for prime time, but you’ll be hearing news on all of them coming soon…
AI Will Change Health Care Jobs for the Better
Consider three issues that get a lot of attention: the use of medical records, the “human touch” in medical care, and the future of jobs in the industry. On balance, are people more glass half-full or half-empty? Our research points to an optimism that may surprise expert observers.
New Technologies Fast Forward Treatment For Heart Disease
“Cardiology is always one of the fastest evolving fields, so there’s always something new coming out as far as new stents, new devices … upgrades to the old devices and the old stents, and that’s a constant thing,” United Hospital Center cardiologist Gerardo Lopez
How 3D Printing Is Transforming Healthcare
Tilly Lockey was a baby when she lost both hands after developing meningitis. Almost a decade later, Tilly made headlines when she received new hands created with a 3D printer, as the world’s first clinical trial of a new type of prosthesis gathered speed within the NHS in Bristol.
Healthcare Technology Review 2017 (ReferralMD)
The future of healthcare is changing dramatically with medical and dental technology advances starting to accelerate and larger health systems taking notice.
Top 10 Medical Devices on the Cutting Edge
Epilepsy treated with a zap, contact lenses that dispense medicine, magnets for smoking cessation, mind-controlled exoskeletons, and more
Science or Science Fiction? 12 Cutting-Edge Medical Advances
Brain transplants? Face and Limb transplants? Mind reading? Yes to all. And more.