Most of us could probably stand to lose a little weight, but the truth is… well, most of us could probably stand to lose a little weight. Results from a recent study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington found that a third of the Earth’s population, over 2 billion adults and children around the world, are obese or overweight. The US had the greatest percentage of obesity in young adults and children (13%, or 4.2 million people) while Egypt led in adult obesity (35%, or 3.2 million people). These extra pounds bring much more serious consequences than beachwear embarrassment; they bring death from diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and others. This month we bring you a look at that particular study, some unanticipated impacts, and a way to find out if applies directly to you…
One-Third Of World Now Overweight, With US Leading The Way, CNN Health Report by Meera Senthilingam, June 2017
Broken Scales: Obesity And Justice In America, by Benforado, Hanson, and Yosifon in the Emory Law Journal

Click here to calculate your BMI, or go to the website for the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and search for “BMI Calculator”