Your Car Matters covers the spectrum of funny to quirky to serious, but we always try to bring you things you may not have seen elsewhere. This preference for the overlooked led us to start our News To Make You Furious column. Watching the news these days seems to be little more than an exercise in identifying the latest outrage, but some outrages slink by unnoticed and should be spotlighted. Each month we find a new flamboyant desecration of common sense that’s passing
under the radar, give you links and information to understand it, and often suggest things to do to make it better. Yes, the news is a series of outrages, but sometimes the ones that are making the headlines aren’t the ones really deserving of our thought and attention. Here are the stories we chose to boost your blood pressure in 2017…
News To Make You Furious- 2016’s Buffet of Bile
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