We at Tom Dwyer Automotive Services are big supporters of a rational, science-based approach to life. When you deal with reality as it is, not as you hope it should be or wished it were, you’re much more effective in just about any action you want to take. In our own business, before we even think about actually repairing your vehicle, we inspect and document its actual condition and listen to your goals for ownership. Only then do we establish a step-by-step plan to achieve those goals. When it comes to medicine, we all want medical care based on science… effective care based on accurate diagnosis and proper application of tested treatment methods.
Politics today don’t seem to work that way, and we strongly think it should… decisions should be based on facts rather than alternative facts, policies should have a chance of actually achieving their stated goals rather than just being fig leaves for alternative agendas. Whether it’s a decision to go to war, a decision to cut or fund a program, how to structure a trade policy, how to address a social issue, or how to deal with a problem like global warming, we think the place to start is a rational, objective-as-possible assessment of where we are, then a clear statement of goals, then a clear plan to achieve those goals.

Don’t miss this month’s News To Make You Furious- “Millions Marched To Support Science”, where we dig deeper into the appalling policies that made a Science March necessary to begin with.
In the heyday of the Protest era people took to the streets to protest war, pollution, civil rights, and much more, but not one of them protested the actual denial of reality in public or business policy. How times have changed! We now live in a world where facts are equivalent to alternative facts, where spin is the same as analysis, where sheer fiction is the only foundation for some policies while established fact is ignored to permit others. It’s no longer enough to just protest the policy around a particular issue, the entire concept of testable, objective reality is being questioned. We don’t think that’s a sustainable model for any society so that’s why we were so excited about the March for Science, held centrally in Washington DC with satellite marches in over 200 locations around the world. We didn’t have a way to sponsor or participate in the march as a company, but we were able to send one of our intrepid Dwyer Investigative Reporters to march and take these photos of a very encouraging day…