Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them. From the sublime to the ridiculous, check in here for crunchy bits of info you’ll love to munch. By the way, much
(but not all) of our delicious Popcorn comes from articles we’ve posted on our Facebook page. If you’re on Facebook, please stop by and “Like” us and we’ll keep a fairly-constant-but-not-frequent-enough-to-be-annoying stream of these coming to your virtual door!
Changing the way you look at the world
Popcorn shorts is frequently lightweight stuff, but we this month we ran across something that will change the way you think about the universe. There may not be deep lessons in it, but a perspective change can be valuable in itself. We’ll give you one without even clicking… “Realize that instead of looking up into the sky, you’re actually gazing down into the infinite cosmic abyss, with only gravity holding you to the surface of the earth”. Well worth a look!
Hiking and biking along the Oregon Coast
Since we’re an automotive shop you may not think of us for travel advice, but we’re out to change that. We occasionally pass along stories about ways to enjoy our glorious Oregon outdoors, and this is one more in the semi-irregular series. Allison Jones in Portland Monthly had a list of several destination spots on the Oregon coast. From Neahkahnie Mountain near Manzanita to the Hobbit Beach trail near Florence, she gives you an insider’s list of places to satisfy your wanderlust. Round trip distance, elevation gain, nearest towns and more, it’s all there… why aren’t you?
Breaking the ice on climate change
When President Obama announced a new, aggressive plan to combat climate change, he mentioned National Geographic very prominently… “Shrinking ice caps forced National Geographic to make the biggest change in its atlas since the Soviet Union broke apart”. Mapmakers aren’t frequent targets of Presidential praise, so Nat Geo made the most of it. Their article, “Yes, Mr. President, We Remade Our Atlas to Reflect Shrining Ice” explains why, including a 3-second animation showing the reduction in Arctic Ice from 1999 to 2014. It’s shocking, but watch it here… you won’t be seeing it on any Koch brothers videos.
Ten craziest physical feats accomplished with a car
Jalopnik is a great source for many of our Facebook ideas, but they recently had a list of the Ten Craziest Physical Feats Accomplished With A Car. You’ll see “People getting run over, purposely, by trucks”, “Balancing a car on your head”, the “48 second engine swap”, and more. But the craziest one, the one worth watching the most, is the one illustrated on the Popcorn button at left. Just in case you can’t make out the detail, that’s a Toyota FJ driving on two wheels, with five guys on the OUTSIDE of it, CHANGING BOTH TIRES, and doing it in under 5 minutes. It may not end the way you’re thinking, so check it out…