Our Book Spotlight this month focused on “Merchants of Doubt”, the shameless shills who honed their lies years ago creating doubt about smoking and continue lying today about global warming. Well, that
seemed like a familiar story here to us at the Newsdesk-To-Make-You-Furious, so we sent an intern deep into the dank Archives of Anger to see if we had any past articles along those same lines. We found two to share with you, and they’re some real vein-poppers…
Wendell Potter And How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care
Have you ever heard the phrase “Government takeover of health care”? It comes to you from a gentleman named Wendell Potter, a retired PR executive for the health insurance industry. He, and people like him, spend their careers figuring out ways to drop people’s insurance when they get sick, mislead them about what their insurance covers, and lie to them about the state of health insurance and the implications of reform. Wendell retired from the industry “…because (he) could no longer serve in good conscience as a spokesman for an industry whose routine practices amount to a death sentence for thousands of Americans every year”, and now he’s telling the behind-the-scenes story the insurance industry doesn’t want you to know. If you haven’t heard about Wendell Potter already, then settle in. You won’t soon forget him.
The Climate Change Denial Machine
Science does not promise truth, and it never has. Science gives the best possible explanation of reality, though that explanation is always subject to revision. On climate change, there is a scientific consensus that it is real, human-caused, and increasing. The consensus does not prove it is true. The consensus arose because the evidence supports it. Basic open-mindedness is necessary for the function of science, but reasonable skepticism doesn’t imply doubt about the thrust of a theory. But then there’s FOX News, Exxon, the Koch Brothers, and more who’ll be glad to tell you about the sliver of scientists who criticize climate change. Is this a case of lonely scientific voices being silenced by a bloated scientific orthodoxy?
No, they’re lying. We wanted to be a little open-minded, but it’s just that simple… they’re not wrong, they’re lying. They’re lying about one of the most critical issues possible, something that will affect humanity for centuries. They’re lying about issues that will leave people dead, starving, ill, homeless, and warring. They’re paying billions of dollars to put these lies out day after week after year. And they’re lying ONLY because they make money off the lies. Ready to get your blood boiling? Then settle in for this month’s News to Make You Furious…