The twenty-year anniversary of the Exxon Valdez disaster went largely unnoticed by everyone except Greg Palast. His report, “Stick Your Damn Hand In It” also went largely unnoticed, but we read it and it was so enraging that we ran it in our newsletter with the headline “News To Make You Furious”. Later, we realized that corporate McMedia’s well-known habit of ignoring news that shouldn’t be ignored was infuriating in itself, so we decided to write about one topic each month that just frosted our cake. Why? Because we think people
have an obligation to deal with the biggest, ugliest problems that face our world. Some problems are too big to do anything about, others are so revolting they drive us away, but we all have an obligation to try. It can be too easy to ignore them, but when we face up to our problems we expand our knowledge of the real world, and knowledge is power. Power to make real change. Click any of the images below to see what ground our gears in 2014’s News To Make You Furious…
News To Make You Furious- 2014’s Wrapup of Wrath
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