Health Notes- Another year of healthy living

Yes, we’re known as the company that’s “trusted to keep your vehicles safe, breakdown-free, and operating at their best”.  We’re very proud of that, but (and it’s a hard thing for an auto repair shop to say) your vehicles aren’t the most important thing in your life.  Your health matters more, so we started this column to help keep yourself breakdown-free and operating at your best.  Here’s a look back at the tips we passed on in 2012…

February- WHY Apples Keep The Doctor Away

March- Medical Uses Of The Birth Control Pill

April- Smaller Batteries Mean Larger Problems

May- Party In Your Gall Bladder

June- Laziest Way To Health

July- Bootin’ The Gluten

August/September- Heartburn Might Not Mean Heartbreak

October/November- Is Canola Oil Healthy?

December-  12 Health Myths You Probably Believe



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