I’m Tom Dwyer,
We’ll all need to use the healthcare system at some point in our lives. I’m one of millions who think healthcare should be a right; providing for the general welfare not just providing corporate profits.
The Illahee Lecture Series’ “Sacred Cows” theme goes even farther this month… We’re privileged to have Wendell Potter speak; he’s uniquely qualified to answer the question; “What do we want from our healthcare system?” Mr. Potter spent twenty years as a Public Relations executive for health insurance companies before turning his back on a corrupt system he could no longer support. Since then, he’s become an outspoken critic of the fear and lies manufactured by America’s health insurance industry.
Please join us at Portland’s First Congregational Church, seven PM Wednesday, April 18th, when the Illahee Lecture Series presents Wendell Potter on Health Care. Follow the links from our website for more information.
By phone at (five oh three, two three oh, twenty three hundred) or online at (tom dwyer dot com) we’re Tom Dwyer Automotive Services… trusted to keep your vehicles, safe, breakdown-free and operating at their best!
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