Tom’s Tidbits- De-Occupation


The nation-wide Occupation met strong resistance as cities used the excuses of safety and sanitation to trump constitutionally protected free speech.  The occupation has been forced to change, but there hasn’t been any change to the issues that put people into the parks to begin with:

The top one percent still controls 42 percent of the nation’s wealth

Real unemployment rate is well over 16 percent

We have the highest income inequality since the 1920’s

Ethical decay fosters rampant graft and corruption

An anemic educational system delivers crushing student debt

Crumbling physical infrastructure

Decades of war fought by the children of the poor

Spiraling health care costs and more…

…all complicated by a political system responsive only to money. We’ve acquiesced to a system no longer able to represent the majority, where Corporations are people and money is speech.  The same societal disgust that put Obama into office also created the Occupation, and it’s not leaving just because the Occupier’s tents are gone.

To succeed Occupy needs to evolve into a political force too loud to be ignored. Occupy the voting booth! As the movement recalibrates, inequities and anger will continue to fester. As more of the 99% recognize, understand and sympathize; the scope of Occupy will multiply.

Make a great day,

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