The mission of the Center for Inquiry (CFI) Portland is to foster a secular society based on science, reason, free inquiry, and humanist values. They promote critical thinking and humanist values through education, outreach and social services, and the Portland Humanist Film Festival is your chance to get to know them. Enjoy a weekend of movies and speakers designed to get you
thinking for and about yourself. The Festival takes place November 11-13 at Cinema 21 on NW 21st, and here are just some of the films and speakers you can see…
9:00 Monty Python’s Life of Brian Prizes for best (“worst” ) LoB costumes
SATURDAY 11/12/11
2:00 8: The Mormon Proposition
3:30 Here Be Dragons*
5:00 D.M. Bennett: The Truth Seeker*
6:00 Waiting for Armageddon
7:30 “Who Are The Doubters Anyway?” Featured Speaker: Tom Flynn Exec. Dir. Council for Secular Humanism
8:55 Agora
SUNDAY 11/13/11
2:00 Waking Life
4:00 Humanism: Making Bigger Circles (Dr. Isaac Asimov)
5:00 The Lord Is Not On Trial Here Today
6:00 Separation of Church And State Featured Speaker: Bruce Adams Pres. Columbia Chapter Americans United
7:00 Independent Film Awards The Fairy Scientist* Science is a Vaccine* The Species Problem* Patrick’s Story* . . . talk with film producers! (* Films are independent film winners.)
8:30 The Ledge
Admission: $5 Fri, $10 Sat, $10 Sun, or $20 for Fri-Sun weekend pass.
Sponsored by Center for Inquiry-Portland •
Contributor Humanists of Greater Portland •
There’s much more including movie descriptions, speaker bios, and most importantly ticket information on the festival website at, or you can email them at