Tom’s Tidbits- Our newsletter is another reason we’re different


Most businesses nowadays have some type of newsletter to communicate with their customers.  They’ve become so common that there are companies that only exist to create newsletters for other companies.  Auto shops are common buyers for these generic newsletters; they subscribe to the newsletter supplier, paste their logo in the spot provided, and send them on to their mailing list.   Not us.

I think newsletters can be more than just industry-specific information with coupons.  You may want to learn something about bugs from your exterminator or tax breaks from your accountant, but that gets old pretty quickly.  When a company takes the time to create original content you get a chance to learn what they’re about.  You discover their values and what they think is important.  You and the company have a chance to build a relationship.

Sure, we have some automotive articles because it’s important to get clear vehicle information you can trust, but we bring you much more as well.  Our Feature articles cover issues like current events, the environment, community, art, and culture.  Our monthly columns Shop Talk, Health Notes, Drew’s Kitchen, Sellwood Bridge Update, and Book Spotlight bring you tips you can use in dealing with our shop or the rest of your daily life.  Make sure you check out Popcorn Shorts for quick bits on everything from the sublime to the ridiculous, and finish up each month with News To Make You Furious for news on the latest gross abuse in the world around us.

You’re probably bombarded with stacks of email every day, but I hope you can open our newsletter an d spend a moment to see if there is anything that catches your interest.  We respect your time, so we invest a lot of our own time making our newsletter something you’ll look forward to each month.  This month’s issue will re-cap everything you may have missed in 2011, and I think you’ll get a good idea of what to expect in 2012.  And please, if you have any ideas for articles you’d like to see included or if you have any other feedback for us, LET US KNOW!

Finally, I’d like to extend a special “thank you” to all our clients and friends for your loyalty and support throughout the years.  It’s a true honor to work with all of you, and I look forward to continuing our relationship in 2012 and beyond.

Make a great day, and a great year!

PS- You’ll notice a “Share/Save” link at the top of our newsletter and the bottom of each article.  If you see an article that interests you, it may interest your friends as well.  Don’t forget to click the link to pass it on!

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