Staying Fit in 2015


Not many people think of their mechanic as anyone who should (or could) be offering Health advice, but think about it… how well is your vehicle functioning if the driver isn’t functioning at top performance?  Every month we try to bring you a useful tip to maintain the most important part of your vehicle… yourself.  You may want to go ahead and keep your doctor for now, but the more you check back the more you’ll find yourself relying on our Health Notes column!

December-  This is how air pollution affects YOU

November-  This is what happens when you eat sugar

October-  Blood, skulls, bones, and brains

September-  Is EMF pollution the next health risk to watch for?

August-  Disease or profit center?

July-  Natural vs. artificial flavors

June-  Something’s fishy here…

May-  How to recharge your gut

April-  Sarah’s Eggshell Calcium recipe

March-  Your mind’s power to heal… or to kill

February-  How to beat the cold, flu, and dyslexia

January-  Another healthy year in review





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