Sellwood Bridge Update- Will bad bolts bang the Bridge?


aaaBridgeUpdateButtonThe Sellwood Bridge Project continues to trundle along, mostly on-schedule and mostly on-budget.  We’ve seen some construction on our doorstep recently as the County has been installing the infrastructure for a traffic signal at SE 6th and Tenino.  Although the signal won’t be activated until the project is complete, it will eventually be a HUGE advantage to our clients trying to make a left turn onto the Sellwood Bridge from our shop!

There’s other happenings on the Bridge this month, but rather than write an article ourselves we’ll direct you to yet another excellent article by David Ashton at the Sellwood Bee- “Out-Of-Spec Bolts Slow Sellwood Bridge Progress”  (Sellwood Bee, Sep 2015).   The article has much more detail, but here are a few of the takeaways…

  • Opening date will be around February or March of 2016
  • There have been problems with some of the bolts used in construction, but they’re getting replacements and it doesn’t look like it will be a serious problem
  • At this point the project is likely to come in at 3.5% over estimate, but the vehicle surcharge to cover it is coming in over estimate as well. The costs should be roughly equal, and the surcharge will probably go away as scheduled.

Again, these are the high points… check out The Bee’s article to dig deeper.

As always, Multnomah County maintains the definitive website on everything related to the Sellwood Bridge Replacement project,  Construction and closure alerts, archived information, and other resources are all available 24/7 for your convenience.  If you’re looking for something that’s not on the website, you can contact Mike Pullen (mike.j.pullen@multco.us503-209-4111) or visit

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