Sellwood Bridge Update- The whole Bridge construction in 3 minutes

aaaBridgeUpdateButtonAlthough there will be a brief bridge closure from November 19-21, 2014, it’s all part of the plan.  The Sellwood Bridge Project is proceeding slowly, but with no major hitches or delays.  Traffic will be flowing on the new bridge next year, and the last guy with a hard hat will leave in 2016.  In the meantime, we’re all ready for the construction to be over.  With that in mind, we bring you this video showing a computer animation (with step-by-step narration) of the entire bridge construction process from start to glorious FINISH!  And just as an orientation, we’re currently at about 1:42 into the video, getting ready for the installation of the steel arches next year.

bridge animation

As always, Multnomah County maintains the definitive website on everything related to the Sellwood Bridge Replacement project,  Construction and closure alerts, archived information, and other resources are all available 24/7 for your convenience.  If you’re looking for something that’s not on the website, you can contact Mike Pullen (mike.j.pullen@multco.us503-209-4111) or visit

RestOfNewsletterOne brief word while you’re here…

The Sellwood Bridge construction is critically important, but it’s putting heavy pressure our business.  So far we’ve made it through without laying anyone off, but things are getting tighter and the bridge is still two years from completion.  Please, if you have a friend, family member, or co-worker who hasn’t tried our service yet, encourage them to come in.  It will be a big help to us and you can take advantage of our Referral Reward Program to help someone else as well.  We also have a generous First-Time Client offer to make your referral’s first visit more affordable. If you like what you have found at Tom Dwyer Automotive, please help us continue providing the level of service and satisfaction you’ve come to expect.  And from all of us here at the shop, thank you for your support over the years and thanks in advance for sharing what you’ve found with someone you know.


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